64 Parishes

Wounded Soldiers in Zouave Uniform

The name "Zouave" is taken from French light infantry regiments in the 1800s who wore distinctive uniforms. In the US Civil War some soldiers, mostly volunteer and on each side of the conflict, called themselves Zouaves and wore similar uniforms. This photograph, of unknown date, shows a wounded Zouave.

Wounded Soldiers in Zouave Uniform

Courtesy of Roger H. Ogden Collection

Wounded Soldiers in Zouave Uniform. Unidentified

Additional Data

Courtesy of Roger H. Ogden Collection
Date 1861-1865
Copyright Copyrighted
Disclaimer Physical rights are retained by Roger H. Ogden in accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act. The Louisiana Endowment has included this work in 64parishes.org for the purposes of criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, educational research, all other nonprofit educational usages under Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act.