64 Parishes

Captain Henry Shreve Clearing the Great Raft From The Red River

"Captain Henry Shreve Clearing The Great Raft From The Red River, 1833-1838" is Pineville artist Lloyd Hawthorne's signature painting.

Captain Henry Shreve Clearing the Great Raft From The Red River

Courtesy of R. W. Norton Art Gallery

Captain Henry Shreve Clearing the Great Raft From The Red River. Hawthorne, Lloyd (artist)

Additional Data

Courtesy of R. W. Norton Art Gallery
Date ca.1833-1838
Copyright Copyrighted
Disclaimer All rights reserved. The Louisiana Endowment has included this work in 64parishes.org for the purposes of criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, educational research, all other nonprofit educational usages under Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act.