
Achille Perelli
Italian-born sculptor Achille Perelli was an active participant in the New Orleans arts scene from 1850 to 1891.
Italian-born sculptor Achille Perelli was an active participant in the New Orleans arts scene from 1850 to 1891.
A native of Italy, Achille Peretti immigrated to the United States in 1884 following government repression of the First International, a leftist association of socialists and labor leaders to which he belonged.
Although Alexander Drysdale described himself as a portrait painter, he was known primarily for his landscapes depicting Louisiana's marshes and bayous.
Born in Gibraltar, Andres Molinary settled in New Orleans in 1872 and became an active leader and teacher in the art community.
Angela Gregory is widely referred to as the doyenne of Louisiana sculpture.
August Norieri was a New Orleans born painter best known for his Louisiana maritime subjects such as sailboats, bayous, and lakes.
Artist and designer Bror Wikstrom was active in New Orleans from 1883 to 1909 and was particularly well-known in the city for designing Carnival pageants.
Dr. Darrell Bourque was appointed poet laureate of Louisiana by Governor Kathleen Blanco in 2007.
George Viavant was widely acclaimed for his specialty in nature morte paintings, a style which boomed in popularity nationwide in the late nineteenth century.
Gideon Townsend Stanton, a stockbroker and artist, was the state director for the Works Progress Administration's Federal Art Project in the 1930s.
After announcing painter Harold Rudolph's arrival in New Orleans in 1873, local papers praised his portraits as being among the best ever produced in the city.
New Orleans painter Helen Maria Turner was best known for her paintings of people in their own homes and women in gardens.
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