Government, Politics & Law

Alvin King
Alvin King served as governor of Louisiana for five months during a political power struggle between Huey P. Long and Lieutenant Governor Paul Cyr.
Alvin King served as governor of Louisiana for five months during a political power struggle between Huey P. Long and Lieutenant Governor Paul Cyr.
Charles Aubry was the last French governor of Louisiana before it reverted to Spanish control.
Jean Jacques Blaise D'Abbadie, an experienced naval officer and administrator, was one of three officials that Louis XV sent to govern French Colonial Louisiana in 1763.
French naval officer Louis Billouart, Chevalier de Kerlerec served as governor of Louisiana between 1753 and 1763.
Serving as French governor of Louisiana from 1743 until 1753, Pierre de Vaudreuil was popular with the upper-class colonists and French officials for his elegant manners.
In 1936 Richard Leche won the battle to succeed Huey P. Long as governor of Louisiana and leader of the Long faction.
French explorer and commander Sieur de Sauvole served as the acting governor of Louisiana from May 2, 1699, until his death on August 22, 1701.
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