Summer 2010

About Our Cover
- Allen Toussaint: Yes, he can, can! by Kathy Finn
- St. Francisville “Happy Land” photo essay by Bevil Knapp; story by Danny Heitman
- General Claire Lee Chennault and his Flying Tigers by William Caverlee
- Francophone Louisiana: More than Cajun by Christophe Landry
- Louisiana Fiddlers by Ron Yule
- Further On Down the Road: Keachi Louisiana in the 1970s photo essay by Travis Whitfield
- Grace King, Le Petit Salon, and the (Secret) Business of New Orleans Culture by Mary Ann Wilson, Ph.D.
The current issue of 64 Parishes is available for $6.95 plus tax and a $5 shipping and handling fee. Back issues of 64 Parishes and Louisiana Cultural Vistas are available for $7.95 plus tax and a $5 shipping and handling fee. Note that supplies are limited on some issues. To order call 504-523-4352 or email [email protected].
Summer 2010


Yes He Can Can: Allen Toussaint perpetuates New Orleans’ unique musical style

Francophone Louisiana
Like most cultural aspects of the state, Francophone Louisiana is linguistically diverse