
Champion Jack Dupree
Champion Jack Dupree was was best known as a barrelhouse pianist and songwriter/raconteur but was also an accomplished boxer and cook.
Champion Jack Dupree was was best known as a barrelhouse pianist and songwriter/raconteur but was also an accomplished boxer and cook.
Louisiana architects Charles Dakin and James Dakin designed the Old State Capitol building in Baton Rouge, as well as the St. Charles Hotel in New Orleans, among other projects.
For one hundred forty years, D. H. Holmes served as a shopping destination for generations of New Orleanians, growing from a small dry goods shop to an enormous consumer emporium.
New Orleans’s first couple of jazz.
David Duke is a polarizing, outspoken advocate of white supremacy whose political campaigns in the 1980s and early 1990s put a modern-day face on the image of racism in the United States.
Dawn DeDeaux is a multi-media, digital, and conceptual artist based in New Orleans.
Founded in Jonesboro in 1964, the Deacons for Defense and Justice (DDJ) was a Black self-defense organization that protected local civil rights activists.
Though his primary work as a visual artist has been in the medium of photography, Dean Dablow also produces paintings, sculpture, and mixed-media objects.
The 2010 BP spill was one of the worst environmental disasters in US history.
Delphine Dupuy was a civil rights activist in Baton Rouge who was one of the founding members of the Baton Rouge branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1929.
Established in 1787, Destrehan Plantation is the oldest documented plantation in the lower Mississippi Valley.
For all the rich and varied literature that has come out of Louisiana, mystery and detective fiction has, for the most part, been a recent addition to the state's literary canon.
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