A Feminine Perspective
Louisiana boasts many 19th and 20th-century buildings influenced by women
Louisiana boasts many 19th and 20th-century buildings influenced by women
Only the gardens and fragments of foundations survive from the fire that destroyed the Afton Villa plantation house in 1963.
A Gilded Age hotel in Central Louisiana has a storied history
In 1961, the upper floor of this house was floated by barge along Bayou Teche from its original location in St. Mary Parish, which was being developed as a subdivision.
Ardoyne is the most elaborate and romantic-looking Gothic Revival residence surviving in Louisiana.
This Catholic cemetery in Donaldsonville was laid out in a grid plan shortly after the church parish was founded in 1772.
Perhaps more than any other plantation house, Ashland-Belle Helene epitomizes the popular image of the grand Greek Revival southern mansion.
During John James Audubon’s four month tenure at Oakley Plantation as tutor to Eliza Pirrie, he produced thirty-two of his bird paintings.
Baton Rouges' Beauregard Town, planned in 1806 by Capt. Elias Beauregard, is now a predominantly residential district.
Bloom's Arcade, one of Louisiana's first shopping centers, was built in Tallulah in 1930 and served as a centerpiece of the Madison Parish town’s business district for half a century.
Although Bocage's early history is hazy, local tradition has maintained that the house was built in 1801 by Emanuel Marius Pons Bringier as a wedding gift for his fourteen-year-old daughter, Françoise.
The Butler Greenwood plantation house is built in the Gothic Revival style, popular in the St. Francisville area.
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