
George Castleden
Best known for his paintings of New Orleans's French Quarter architecture, itinerant artist George Frederick Castleden held exhibitions in the courtyard of the Cabildo.
Best known for his paintings of New Orleans's French Quarter architecture, itinerant artist George Frederick Castleden held exhibitions in the courtyard of the Cabildo.
The works of Louisiana artist George David Coulon are known for the meticulous detail and the jewel-like quality of his portraits and landscapes, most of which were painted between 1839 and 1902.
George Dunbar has been a major figure in New Orleans contemporary art for more than five decades.
George Dureau, a quintessential New Orleans artist, also is a nationally recognized painter, sculptor, and photographer.
Artist, curator, and gallery owner George Febres helped lead the resurgence of New Orleans as a regional art center beginning in the 1970s.
George Viavant was widely acclaimed for his specialty in nature morte paintings, a style which boomed in popularity nationwide in the late nineteenth century.
George Rodrigue, born and raised in New Iberia, is best known for his Blue Dog series of paintings and sculptures.
Gideon Townsend Stanton, a stockbroker and artist, was the state director for the Works Progress Administration's Federal Art Project in the 1930s.
After announcing painter Harold Rudolph's arrival in New Orleans in 1873, local papers praised his portraits as being among the best ever produced in the city.
New Orleans painter Helen Maria Turner was best known for her paintings of people in their own homes and women in gardens.
New Orleans painter Henry Casselli is one of the most highly regarded watercolorists in the nation.
Hippolyte Sebron resided in Louisiana for a brief time, from 1849 to 1855, but he had a profound effect on the development of landscape and genre painting in the state.
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