
2016 Floods
A rainy weekend in August 2016 unexpectedly left behind more than three times the amount of rain dropped by Hurricane Katrina, damaging 146,000 homes in fifty-six of Louisiana’s sixty-four parishes.
A rainy weekend in August 2016 unexpectedly left behind more than three times the amount of rain dropped by Hurricane Katrina, damaging 146,000 homes in fifty-six of Louisiana’s sixty-four parishes.
The skills of the Coushatta Tribe’s contemporary basket weavers have elevated this centuries-old utilitarian craft to a highly valued art form showcased in private and museum collections nationwide.
The Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana is the largest of four federally recognized tribal governments in Louisiana.
The Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana is the largest of four federally recognized tribal governments in Louisiana.
The namesake of McNeese State University, John McNeese was a late-nineteenth-century champion of public education who led the creation of numerous schools in southwest Louisiana.
The legendary outlaw Charles “Leather Britches” Smith is best known for his armed defense of his fellow union members during the Grabow Riot of 1912.
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