6.10 b. Isleños
Known today as Isleños, Canary Islanders migrated to southeast Louisiana in the late eighteenth century.
Known today as Isleños, Canary Islanders migrated to southeast Louisiana in the late eighteenth century.
Of all the storied characters in Louisiana's early history, two brothers Jean and Pierre Laffite rank among the most notorious and noteworthy.
Two French brothers notorious for smuggling and slave trading also participated in the Battle of New Orleans.
Juan San Maló (Jean St. Malo) was the leader of a group of self-liberated formerly enslaved people who founded their own maroon resistance community in the bayous and wetlands southeast of New Orleans, in present-day St. Bernard Parish.
Conceived of as an emergency outlet for the lower Mississippi River that would provide a more direct route to New Orleans, MR-GO was controversial even before its 1963 opening.
Louisiana native Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard was a prominent Confederate general.
P. G. T. Beauregard, born in St. Bernard Parish in 1818, was among the first prominent generals of the Confederate Army during the Civil War.
The St. Bernard courthouse was constructed in 1939 when the parish seat was transferred from St. Bernard to Chalmette.
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