
Germantown Utopian Colony
Germantown was a utopian colony founded in 1835 by a breakaway sect of the Harmony Society in what is today rural Webster Parish near the town of Minden.
Germantown was a utopian colony founded in 1835 by a breakaway sect of the Harmony Society in what is today rural Webster Parish near the town of Minden.
Democrat John Watkins served as a US representative from northwestern Louisiana from 1905 to 1921.
Percy Mayfield was a renowned R&B songwriter with hits including “Hit the Road, Jack” and “Please Send Me Someone to Love.”
Louisiana governor Robert Kennon successfully campaigned on a platform of taking a "civics book approach" to government and eliminating corruption.
The United States’ entry into World War II spurred Louisiana’s recovery from the economic doldrums of the Great Depression.
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