
Boozoo Chavis
Wilson Anthony "Boozoo" Chavis was a pioneering zydeco musician best known for highly danceable tunes and his often-risqué sense of humor.
Wilson Anthony "Boozoo" Chavis was a pioneering zydeco musician best known for highly danceable tunes and his often-risqué sense of humor.
Musician and singer Cléoma Breaux Falcon recorded the first Cajun record with her husband, Joseph Falcon.
Clifton Chenier, self-proclaimed “King of the Bayou,” pioneered the modern sound of zydeco music starting in the 1950s.
Country music in Louisiana grew out of folk traditions of white rural southerners and includes rockabilly and Cajun music as subgenres.
Dewey Balfa was a Cajun musician and cultural activist who emerged in the 1970s as an effective spokesman for the grassroots Cajun identity movement.
Country music singer Jimmie Davis served two nonconsecutive terms as governor of Louisiana, from 1944 to 1948 and from 1960 to 1964.
Pioneering jazz trumpet and cornet player and band leader "King"; Oliver played an instrumental role in popularizing jazz outside of New Orleans and was an important mentor in the life of Louis Armstrong.
With its diverse musical heritage, Louisiana has been home to many important record labels.
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