Ogden Museum of Southern Art

Knowing Who We Are: A 20th Anniversary Exhibition
On view at Ogden Museum of Southern Art through February 2024
On view at Ogden Museum of Southern Art through February 2024
Ritual wrapping and binding in contemporary southern art
The art of Dusti Bongé
The architect of Monkey Hill was also a painter of the Sportsman’s Paradise
A new exhibition at Ogden samples the rich and diverse range of photography being practiced in the American South today
The Ogden Museum of Art presents Prospect 4 and spotlights artist John T. Scott
Artist Michael J. Deas envisions Edgar Allan Poe and his work
Ogden Museum of Southern art exhibitions showcase William Eggleston and his influence
First major retrospective of James Michalopoulos opens at Ogden
An exhibition showcased Southern storytelling with over seventy pieces from the Ogden's permanent collection
Australian artist Simon Gunning called New Orleans home and became fascinated with the power of the Mississippi
Ogden Museum showcases the history of New Orleans graffiti
The Ogden Museum of Art showcases the photography, paintings, and drawings of Michael Meads.
One-Year Subscription (4 issues) : $25.00
Two-Year Subscription (8 issues) : $40.00