Government, Politics & Law

Henry Johnson
Henry Johnson, the first professional politician elected governor of Louisiana, served from December 1824 until December 1828.
Henry Johnson, the first professional politician elected governor of Louisiana, served from December 1824 until December 1828.
During his short term as governor from 1924 to 1926, Henry Luce Fuqua advocated increased levee and road construction in Louisiana as well as the expansion of Louisiana State University.
Henry Thibodaux served as interim governor of Louisiana from November to December 1824 after his predecessor, Thomas Bolling Robertson, resigned to become a federal judge.
Inaugurated as governor of Confederate Louisiana on January 25, 1864, Henry Allen presided over the parts of the state controlled by the Confederates until June 2, 1865.
During World War II, Higgins Industries designed 92 percent of US Navy vessels, the majority of which were produced by workers in New Orleans.
A home rule charter allows local governments to exercise all powers not explicitly denied by state law or constitution.
Huey Long rose to prominence during the Great Depression as governor of Louisiana.
Louisiana hurricanes have played an essential role in the state’s history from colonization through the present and are as memorable as the places and people they impact.
Indigenous people were enslaved alongside enslaved African people as domestic and agricultural laborers, guides, interpreters, hunters, sexual companions, and wives in colonial Louisiana.
In 1768, French creole merchants and planters rebelled against the imposition of Spanish rule.
Beginning his term just after the passage of the Constitution of 1845, Governor Johnson was determined to uphold its somewhat controversial provisions including the elimination of property qualifications that limited the voting pool, and the creation of a public school system.
Jacques Dupré;, a Whig, served as acting governor of Louisiana from January 14, 1830, to January 31, 1831.
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