
Cleanth Brooks
Cleanth Brooks, one of the foremost American literary critics of the twentieth century, spent fifteen years as a professor in the English Department at Louisiana State University (LSU).
Cleanth Brooks, one of the foremost American literary critics of the twentieth century, spent fifteen years as a professor in the English Department at Louisiana State University (LSU).
Children's literature about Louisiana tends to focus on the state's unique culture and locations.
Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, several Louisiana cookbooks collected the diverse cooking styles of Creole New Orleanians. Crescent City cookbooks continued to represent Louisiana throughout the next century.
Few other movements in the American literary scene evoke exotic images rivaling those conjured by Louisiana's Creole writers.
Representations of Louisiana’s Creole population are as varied and complex as the definition of the term itself.
Dr. Darrell Bourque was appointed poet laureate of Louisiana by Governor Kathleen Blanco in 2007.
For all the rich and varied literature that has come out of Louisiana, mystery and detective fiction has, for the most part, been a recent addition to the state's literary canon.
Dorothy Dix, the pseudonym of Elizabeth Meriwether Gilmer, was a writer and immensely popular advice columnist in the early twentieth century.
Louisiana drama, like all Louisiana literature, is a rich and diverse subject.
Eliza Jane Nicholson was the first woman publisher of a major daily newspaper in the United States. She was also a published poet, writing under the pen name Pearl Rivers.
Eliza Ripley recounts life in antebellum Louisiana, focusing on the habits and customs of typical upper-class New Orleans households.
Louisiana author Elmore Leonard, Jr. writes crime fiction and westerns.
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