
Emma Wilson Emery
Louisiana’s first and longest-serving poet laureate, Emma Wilson Emery wrote poetry about romance, nature, and anti-war sentiments.
Louisiana’s first and longest-serving poet laureate, Emma Wilson Emery wrote poetry about romance, nature, and anti-war sentiments.
Considered among the most important southern writers, Ernest J. Gaines was an award-winning fiction writer whose work often features the region where he grew up: rural and small-town south-central Louisiana.
Evelyn Scott began her literary career as a poet but expanded into other literary genres, including short stories, essays, novels, memoir, and drama.
Everette Maddox was a poet known for his powers of wit and observation which he used to great effect in his works.
The Federal Writers Project in Louisiana produced oral histories, local guidebooks, and other writings between 1935 and 1939.
Francis Parkinson Keyes first visited New Orleans during Mardi Gras in 1940 when she was 55 years old. Enthralled with the city, Keyes rented a grand home in the French Quarter and set many novels there, including "Dinner at Antoine's," published in 1948. Keyes died in her home in New Orleans on July 3, 1970.
Founded in 1963, the Free Southern Theater was designed as a cultural and educational extension of the civil rights movement in the South.
In the 1920s, a bohemian scene emerged in the French Quarter of New Orleans that contributed to its preservation and revitalization as a tourist destination.
The writings of George Washington Cable explored the Creole culture and generated national attention.
New Orleans novelist and historian Grace King made the city and state of her birth an abiding theme in her work.
New Orleans-born Hamilton Basso was an influential novelist and journalist, as well as part of the southern literary renaissance.
Henry Clay Lewis trained as a doctor in Louisiana and also contributed to the nineteenth-century literary genre of southwestern humor.
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