Government, Politics & Law

Adams-Onís Treaty
The treaty that settled the western boundary of the Louisiana Purchase was ratified by the governments of Spain and the United States in 1821.
The treaty that settled the western boundary of the Louisiana Purchase was ratified by the governments of Spain and the United States in 1821.
An integrated labor union violently suppressed by lumber barons.
Labor union meeting results in death and arrest of timber workers.
The namesake of McNeese State University, John McNeese was a late-nineteenth-century champion of public education who led the creation of numerous schools in southwest Louisiana.
The legendary outlaw Charles “Leather Britches” Smith is best known for his armed defense of his fellow union members during the Grabow Riot of 1912.
The Neutral Strip existed outside the governance of either the United States or Spain until 1821.
The Neutral Strip existed outside the governance of either the United States or Spain until 1821.
Louisiana Governor Sam Jones promised an honest government following the corruption scandals surrounding the Long administrations.
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