
Anne Rice
Anne Rice, a New Orleans-born author, was well known for her historical novels and fictional vampires.
Anne Rice, a New Orleans-born author, was well known for her historical novels and fictional vampires.
The Antebellum period in Louisiana begins with statehood in 1812 and ends with Louisiana joining the Confederacy in 1860.
Huey P. Long was one of the most colorful and controversial politicians in Louisiana history. Admiration of his leadership was strong, but so was contempt; the contempt ultimately resulted in his death at the hand of a disgruntled citizen.
Antoine de La Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac served as the governor of Louisiana from 1713 to 1716.
An engineer by training, Antoine Simon Le Page du Pratz published a richly illustrated, three-volume, 1,300 page observation of life in early Louisiana, "Historie de La Louisiane."
Founded in 1840, Antoine’s Restaurant is the oldest continually family-owned and -operated restaurant in the United States.
The husband and wife team of artists, Antonio and Nina Meucci, announced their arrival in New Orleans in 1818 in a newspaper advertisement offering to paint portraits and miniatures “of every dimension.”
Explorer, astronomer, and administrator Antonio de Ulloa was the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, serving from 1766 to 1768.
In New Orleans archaeological explorations span 2,500 years of history
During the Archaic period, people from the Evans culture built large mounds made of dirt.
Archbishop Joseph Rummel was among the first religious leaders in Louisiana to proclaim the immorality of racism and ordered the desegregation of Catholic schools in New Orleans.
Planter Arnaud Beauvais became acting governor of Louisiana from October 6, 1829, to January 14, 1830
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