Photographers use Instagram to share Louisiana
Photographers use Instagram to share Louisiana
“A Bar Called Charlene’s” by Robert Fieseler was honored with the Green Eyeshade Award, the top honor distributed by Southerners from the Society for Professional Journalists
An acclaimed scholar and photographer, A.J. Meek has been documenting life in Louisiana since 1977.
Ada Thomas was one of few remaining weavers of traditional Chitimacha split-cane, double-weave baskets.
Painter and attorney Alan Gerson has achieved international recognition for his artwork, perhaps most notably as an award-winning participant in the 2000 Florence Biennial.
Albert George Rieker became one of the most notable sculptors in the United States after his membership in the New Orleans Art League provided an exhibition venue for his plaster-cast Neoclassical friezes.
Alexandre de Batz created the earliest known images of Native Americans in the lower Mississippi valley from sketches he rendered while surveying Louisiana in the eighteenth century.
Painter Ann Hornback incorporates dreamlike, surrealistic scenes of nature and animals, usually with a central female figure, into her work.
An engineer by training, Antoine Simon Le Page du Pratz published a richly illustrated, three-volume, 1,300 page observation of life in early Louisiana, "Historie de La Louisiane."
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