Business & Industry

Citrus Industry
Louisiana’s citrus industry traces its origins to the early 1700s, but the effects of climate change increasingly threaten its long-term viability.
Louisiana’s citrus industry traces its origins to the early 1700s, but the effects of climate change increasingly threaten its long-term viability.
Attorney and feminist activist Clayton, or Clay, Latimer was instrumental in many of the reforms achieved by the modern women's rights movement in Louisiana.
Created in the 1930s, Dr. Nut is best remembered as the favorite beverage of Ignatius J. Reilly, the protagonist of John Kennedy Toole’s New Orleans–set novel, Confederacy of Dunces.
Louisiana is home to the earliest Filipino American community in the United States.
In September 1965, Hurricane Betsy, one of the deadliest and costliest storms in US history, made landfall near New Orleans.
One of the most destructive storms in Louisiana history, Hurricane Betsy made landfall on September 9, 1965.
Hurricane Gustav was the first major storm to test New Orleans’s rehabbed defenses after Hurricane Katrina.
Louisiana's Isleños descend from Canary Islanders who immigrated to the southeastern part of the state in the late 1700s, when Spain ruled the colony.
Known today as Isleños, Canary Islanders migrated to southeast Louisiana in the late eighteenth century.
Corrupt democratic politician Leander Perez Sr., a staunch segregationist, served as a district judge, district attorney, and president of the Plaquemines Parish Commission Council.
Corrupt democratic politician Leander Perez Sr., a staunch segregationist, served as a district judge, district attorney, and president of the Plaquemines Parish Commission Council.
Conceived of as an emergency outlet for the lower Mississippi River that would provide a more direct route to New Orleans, MR-GO was controversial even before its 1963 opening.
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