
Louis Antoine Collas
Louis Antoine Collas was an adept and very popular miniature portrait painter who regularly traveled to Louisiana to paint plantation owners and merchants.
Louis Antoine Collas was an adept and very popular miniature portrait painter who regularly traveled to Louisiana to paint plantation owners and merchants.
Louis Develle, a French artist active in New Orleans, was best known for his set designs at the Théatre d’Orléans.
Louis Lucien Pessou was one of the leading lithographers of antebellum New Orleans.
Artist Louis O. Griffith was not a native of Louisiana, but he discovered its charms on a visit to New Orleans and proceeded to depict the city in his artwork.
Louis Sahuc came of age as a photographer in New Orleans in the 1970s as a member of a dynamic though informal group of photographers and designers who sought to find their calling in a field that was exploding with both artistic and commercial possibilities.
Louviere + Vanessa is an artistic partnership founded by Jeff Louviere and Vanessa Brown in New Orleans in 2004.
Italian painter Luigi Marie Sotta, a skilled and significant artist well versed in French academic practice, worked for at least two seasons in New Orleans.
Cuban-born New Orleans artist Luis Cruz Azaceta creates monumental assemblages of barricades and photo constructions of urban blight, representing both hope and decay within American culture.
Spanish painter Luis Graner y Arrufi lived and worked in New Orleans between 1914 and 1922. The simple, dignified landscapes he created in Louisiana are considered to be some of his best work.
Though remembered for being a talented landscape painter, Lula King Saxon was also a writer, musician, poet, singer, and actress.
Born in Lake Charles, Lynda Benglis is an internationally renowned sculptor who is famous for her innovations in both materials and artistic process.
Marc Savoy is a Cajun folklorist, musician, and master accordion maker in Eunice.
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