Government, Politics & Law

Carpetbaggers and Scalawags
“Carpetbagger” and “scalawag” were derogatory terms used to deride white Republicans from the North or southern-born radicals during Reconstruction.
“Carpetbagger” and “scalawag” were derogatory terms used to deride white Republicans from the North or southern-born radicals during Reconstruction.
“Carpetbagger” and “scalawag” were derogatory terms used to describe white Republicans from the North or southern-born radicals during Reconstruction.
The 1873 Coushatta Massacre resulted from both anger about Reconstruction policies and the presence of carpetbaggers in the state.
Henry Clay Warmoth was the first governor of Louisiana under Radical Reconstruction.
William Pitt Kellogg was governor of Louisiana during the divisive period of Radical Reconstruction.
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