
August Norieri
August Norieri was a New Orleans born painter best known for his Louisiana maritime subjects such as sailboats, bayous, and lakes.
August Norieri was a New Orleans born painter best known for his Louisiana maritime subjects such as sailboats, bayous, and lakes.
Born in New Orleans on March 30, 1888, composer Camille Nickerson was a highly accomplished musician and scholar.
Eliza Jane Nicholson was the first woman publisher of a major daily newspaper in the United States. She was also a published poet, writing under the pen name Pearl Rivers.
Francis Nicholls served two nonconsecutive terms as governor of Louisiana from 1877 to 1880, and again from 1888 to 1892.
Haller Nutt owned and operated several plantations including Araby, Evergreen, and Winter Quarters in Louisiana and Cloverdale and Laurel Hill in Mississippi.
James Noe served as the interim governor of Louisiana after the death of Governor Oscar "O. K." Allen.
Benefactor of Newcomb College whose life was marked by grief and whose legacy was marked with conflict
Louis Nelson was a sought-after traditional jazz trombonist from New Orleans.
The NAACP, a national organization founded in 1909 to fight for citizenship rights for Black Americans, opened its first Louisiana branch in 1914.
The French Civil Code of 1804 standardized civil law in France, becoming a model legal framework for jurisdictions around the world, including Louisiana.
The French Civil Code of 1804 standardized civil law in France, becoming a model legal framework for jurisdictions around the world, including Louisiana.
France’s Civil Code of 1804 standardized civil law and became a model legal framework around the world, including in Louisiana.
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