
Alex Bigard
Jazz drummer Alex Bigard had a successful career as a recording artist and musician in New Orleans for much of the twentieth century.
Jazz drummer Alex Bigard had a successful career as a recording artist and musician in New Orleans for much of the twentieth century.
Although Alexander Drysdale described himself as a portrait painter, he was known primarily for his landscapes depicting Louisiana's marshes and bayous.
A native of the Ukraine, artist Alexander Stolin maintains a home and studio in Madisonville, Louisiana.
Alexandre Alaux, born in France in 1851, came to Louisiana at the age of six. After studying in Europe, Alaux returned to Louisiana, where he painted with his children until his death in 1932.
Alexandre de Batz created the earliest known images of Native Americans in the lower Mississippi valley from sketches he rendered while surveying Louisiana in the eighteenth century.
Alexandre Mouton, the first Democratic governor of Louisiana, served from 1843 to 1846.
Alfred Boisseau lived and painted in New Orleans from 1845 to 1849 and was one of the earliest known artists to open a studio in the city.
New Orleans native Alice Dunbar-Nelson was one of the founders of the Harlem Renaissance literary movement.
Alice Heine from New Orleans became the first American-born Princess of Monaco by way of marriage in 1889.
All Saints Day or All Hallows Day is a Catholic tradition honoring the saints and also deceased family members each November 1.
Based in New Orleans, Allen Toussaint composed, produced, arranged, and played piano on scores of classic R&B hits from the late 1950s through the 1970s, in addition to recording several solo albums.
Allison "Tootie" Montana was Big Chief of the Yellow Pocahontas Mardi Gras Indian tribe in New Orleans.
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