
2016 Floods
A rainy weekend in August 2016 unexpectedly left behind more than three times the amount of rain dropped by Hurricane Katrina, damaging 146,000 homes in fifty-six of Louisiana’s sixty-four parishes.
A rainy weekend in August 2016 unexpectedly left behind more than three times the amount of rain dropped by Hurricane Katrina, damaging 146,000 homes in fifty-six of Louisiana’s sixty-four parishes.
Once one of the most productive salt mines in the country, the Belle Isle Salt Mine was the site of numerous deadly accidents.
Bobby Charles made enduring contributions to the overlapping genres of rhythm and blues, rock and roll, and swamp pop, as both a recording artist and a songwriter.
D. L. Menard was a popular Cajun Zydeco musician from Lafayette.
Inez Catalon was a Louisiana folk singer who specialized in cantiques, a type of French folk song.
In 1989, jockey Kent Desormeaux's 598 first place finishes set the record for most wins in a single season.
Nathan Abshire was a singer, instrumentalist, and songwriter who was a central figure in the mid-twentieth-century evolution of Cajun music.
Louisiana jockey Robby Albarado is one of the most successful riders in US horse racing history.
Louisiana native Ron Guidry's performance with the New York Yankees in the 1978 season stands decades later as one of the greatest pitching achievements in modern baseball history.
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