6.10 a.–b. Acadians in Colonial Louisiana
The Acadians, ancestors of present-day Cajuns, were people of French ancestry who settled in what is now Canada before migrating to Louisiana.
The Acadians, ancestors of present-day Cajuns, were people of French ancestry who settled in what is now Canada before migrating to Louisiana.
Enslaved Africans and people of African descent played key roles in nearly every aspect of the development of Louisiana.
Alexandre de Batz created the earliest known images of Native Americans in the lower Mississippi valley from sketches he rendered while surveying Louisiana in the eighteenth century.
Antoine de La Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac served as the governor of Louisiana from 1713 to 1716.
An engineer by training, Antoine Simon Le Page du Pratz published a richly illustrated, three-volume, 1,300 page observation of life in early Louisiana, "Historie de La Louisiane."
In New Orleans archaeological explorations span 2,500 years of history
Before railroads and highways, Bayou Teche served as an important transportation route deep into the fertile interior of south-central Louisiana.
Bernardo de Gálvez, the fourth governor of Spanish Louisiana, is best known for leading Louisiana militiamen against the British during the American Revolution.
Bernardo de Gálvez, the fourth governor of Spanish Louisiana, is best known for leading Louisiana militia troops against the British during the American Revolution.
At Boat Blessings, a Catholic priest blesses a community’s shrimp boats before the start of shrimp season
Boudin is a Cajun sausage made of meat and rice typically consumed with the filling removed from the casing and often squeezed directly into the mouth.
Bousillage, a mixture of clay and straw or Spanish moss used for insulation, is a distinguishing feature of Louisiana's architectural past.
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