
Jean Despujols
Settling in Shreveport after World War II, French artist Jean Despujols is best known for his paintings of Indochina and World War I.
Settling in Shreveport after World War II, French artist Jean Despujols is best known for his paintings of Indochina and World War I.
Although originally from New York City, artist Jean Seidenberg has lived and worked in New Orleans since his early twenties.
New Orleans artist Jeffrey Cook toured the world in his twenties as a dancer before returning to the city to focus on creating sculpture from cast-off materials.
Jennifer Ellerbe is a photographer and artist who has found her visual poetry in the dark bayous and shadows along the back roads and endlessly flat landscape of Louisiana.
New Orleans photographer Jennifer Shaw's work is based on a world observed and a world constructed, and is typically recorded through the laughably imperfect optics of toy cameras.
Jim Blanchard has created a body of art that records the architectural masterpieces of Louisiana's previous centuries through pieces he calls "architectural archival watercolors."
Jim Richard is best known for his paintings of modernist works of art situated in richly decorated and ominously claustrophobic home interiors.
Artist John Clemmer was an active member of the New Orleans art scene from the 1930s-2010s.
Artist John Geldersma has assembled a body of work that can best be described as spiritually symbolic totems; carved, smooth, often painted, vertical wooden poles with tapered ends.
John Genin as primarily known as a portrait painter, but he also produced historical, genre, and landscape painting in nineteenth century New Orleans.
John J. McKeithen, the 49th governor of Louisiana, served from 1964 to 1972.
An itinerant artist, John L. Boqueta de Woiseri announced his arrival in New Orleans on May 28, 1803.
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