
Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog
Louisiana's state dog has a distinctive look and personality
Louisiana's state dog has a distinctive look and personality
The Natchez massacre of 1729 was the culmination of failed French colonial diplomacy with the Natchez Indians.
When forced by a French commander to leave their village, Natchez men responded by attacking the French settlement of Fort Rosalie.
A distinct form of government exists in over half of Louisiana parishes
This distinct form of government exists in more than half of Louisiana’s parishes.
During World War II, Allied commanders sent more than twenty thousand prisoners of war to camps in Louisiana.
In Winn Parish, an ancient salt dome has sustained life for centuries
On February 27, 1859, the Steamboat Princess exploded on the Mississippi River killing between 70 and 200 passengers and crew.
President Teddy Roosevelt's hunt for black bear in the northeastern Louisiana canebrakes in October 1907 was widely covered by the national media.
Toledo Bend Lake, the largest man-made reservoir in the South, is located on the Sabine River between Louisiana and Texas.
Located near Jonesville, the Troyville earthworks are a Baytown period Native American archaeological site that dates from 400 to 700 CE.
Grant’s Canals and the assault on Vicksburg
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