
2016 Floods
A rainy weekend in August 2016 unexpectedly left behind more than three times the amount of rain dropped by Hurricane Katrina, damaging 146,000 homes in fifty-six of Louisiana’s sixty-four parishes.
A rainy weekend in August 2016 unexpectedly left behind more than three times the amount of rain dropped by Hurricane Katrina, damaging 146,000 homes in fifty-six of Louisiana’s sixty-four parishes.
In 1961, the upper floor of this house was floated by barge along Bayou Teche from its original location in St. Mary Parish, which was being developed as a subdivision.
Ardoyne is the most elaborate and romantic-looking Gothic Revival residence surviving in Louisiana.
Before railroads and highways, Bayou Teche served as an important transportation route deep into the fertile interior of south-central Louisiana.
Louisiana's Calvin Borel is the only jockey to win the Kentucky Derby three times in a four-year span.
One of Louisiana’s renowned dishes, crawfish étouffée is typically comprised of crawfish cooked in its own juices with other seasonings and served over rice.
Greg Guirard's best known photographs capture the stillness of Louisiana's Atchafalaya Basin, its plant and animal residents, and the character and activity of its human population.
The white supremacist group Knights of the White Camellia emerged during Reconstruction, and were referred to as Louisiana's version of the Ku Klux Klan.
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