
2016 Floods
A rainy weekend in August 2016 unexpectedly left behind more than three times the amount of rain dropped by Hurricane Katrina, damaging 146,000 homes in fifty-six of Louisiana’s sixty-four parishes.
A rainy weekend in August 2016 unexpectedly left behind more than three times the amount of rain dropped by Hurricane Katrina, damaging 146,000 homes in fifty-six of Louisiana’s sixty-four parishes.
Based in Baton Rouge, early photographer Andrew Lytle spent a half-century chronicling the quotidian and exceptional events and faces of the city.
Spanish colonial capture of British forts on the Mississippi River during the American Revolutionary War provided significant strategic and symbolic victories.
Bobby Jindal, the fifty-fifth governor of Louisiana, served from 2008 to 2016.
Sculptor Frank Hayden often explored themes of fellowship, family, Christian values, war, and civil rights in his artwork.
Hurricane Gustav was the first major storm to test New Orleans’s rehabbed defenses after Hurricane Katrina.
The antebellum Magnolia Mound plantation in Baton Rouge, Louisiana was constructed in the 1790s.
Sculptor Martin Payton is best known for his improvisational compositions made from found industrial steel parts assembled into rhythmic forms inspired by jazz music, African symbolism, and his African American heritage.
The Old State Capitol in Baton Rouge is now a museum.
Designed by architect James H. Dakin, Louisiana's Old State Capitol in Baton Rouge is among the state’s most distinctive architectural landmarks.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Percy Sledge recorded soul music hits in the 1960s, including the iconic “When a Man Loves a Woman.”
The Poplar Grove Plantation house was originally built for the 1884 World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition in New Orleans before being transported on a barge to Port Allen.
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