
Geodesic Domes
The geodesic dome was pioneered by architect Buckminster Fuller in the mid-twentieth century, and used in several notable Louisiana landmarks.
The geodesic dome was pioneered by architect Buckminster Fuller in the mid-twentieth century, and used in several notable Louisiana landmarks.
The architecture of Glencoe Plantation in Louisiana is unusually elaborate and resembles an illustration from a child's fairy-tale book.
Organized in 1827, Grace Church serves Louisiana's second oldest Episcopal parish.
The massive Greek Revival plantation house is a modern replica of the original structure at Greenwood which burned to the ground in 1960.
The Gretna City Hall building is conventional in its Beaux-Arts forms, but, squeezed onto its narrow site, it is a compact composition with a vertical emphasis.
Louisiana-born architect H. H. Richardson is one of the most notables American architect of the late nineteenth century.
Henry Howard was an important Louisiana architect of the nineteenth century.
The Barrow family built Highland Plantation in antebellum St. Francisville, Louisiana.
New Orleans's French Quarter was an early testing ground for preservation measures, and it continues to be one today.
For the first sixty years of its existence, the Hotel Bentley was the social hub of Alexandria.
Houmas House Plantation in Darrow is an excellent example of the peripteral type of Greek Revival architecture in which the main structure is surrounded by grand columns, each with an uninterrupted span from ground level to the roofline.
J. N. B. de Pouilly was a successful architect in antebellum Louisiana.
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