
Bill Iles
Bill Iles is an accomplished Louisiana painter whose subject matter ranges from almost totally abstract images to landscapes that reflect more his imagination than reality.
Bill Iles is an accomplished Louisiana painter whose subject matter ranges from almost totally abstract images to landscapes that reflect more his imagination than reality.
The East Louisiana State Hospital in Jackson was the state's first major permanent facility to provide behavioral healthcare to patients.
During the Civil War, immigrant communities in New Orleans generally supported the Union cause.
The Independent Women's Organization became identified with good government due to its in-depth study of political issues, unbiased endorsements, and political action.
The term Indian Removal is generally associated with President Andrew Jackson's forced relocation of the Cherokee Nation west of the Mississippi River.
Indigenous people were enslaved alongside enslaved African people as domestic and agricultural laborers, guides, interpreters, hunters, sexual companions, and wives in colonial Louisiana.
In 1768, French creole merchants and planters rebelled against the imposition of Spanish rule.
The influence of Irish immigrants in New Orleans can still be seen in the Irish Channel neighborhood, St. Patrick's Day celebrations and churches such as St. Alphonsus.
The Ishak are an Indigenous people who have lived in southwest Louisiana and southeastern Texas since precolonial times.
The traditional songs of the Spanish-speaking Isleños of St. Bernard Parish are known as décimas, traditionally a ten-verse satiric composition set to music.
Louisiana's Isleños descend from Canary Islanders who immigrated to the southeastern part of the state in the late 1700s, when Spain ruled the colony.
Known today as Isleños, Canary Islanders migrated to southeast Louisiana in the late eighteenth century.
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