Government, Politics & Law

“Longism” refers to both the political machine and the radical populist doctrine established by Huey Long in Louisiana in 1928.
“Longism” refers to both the political machine and the radical populist doctrine established by Huey Long in Louisiana in 1928.
The term “Longism” refers to both the political machine and the radical populist doctrine established by Huey P. Long Jr. from the time he was elected governor in 1928 until about 1960.
After the Civil War the grief of defeated Confederate supporters became an instrument of defiance and an ideology that justified segregation and white supremacy.
French naval officer Louis Billouart, Chevalier de Kerlerec served as governor of Louisiana between 1753 and 1763.
Democrat Louis Wiltz served as governor of Louisiana from 1880 until his death in 1881.
Louisiana's state dog has a distinctive look and personality
Following the Civil War, Black and white Republicans produced the Louisiana Constitution of 1868, which many regarded as one of the most progressive legal documents produced in the South during Reconstruction.
Bourbon Democrats suppressed democracy and restored white supremacy in the Louisiana State Constitution of 1898.
Louisiana has had ten state constitutions since 1812, with the current governing document dating to 1974.
An interracial organization formed at the height of the Great Depression, the Louisiana Farmers’ Union sought to provide assistance to Louisiana farmers.
An early participant in the industrialization of film exhibition, distribution, and production, Louisiana adopted the moniker “Hollywood South” in the early twenty-first century.
Louisiana’s folktales have been influenced by Indigenous peoples and the many cultural and ethnic groups that have immigrated to the state.
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