Summer 2021

About Our Cover
Dyed garfish scales wait in a crawfish tray to be transformed into works of art by women of the Luster family, who use a mixture of modern and traditional Houma methods to preserve this craft. Photo by Brian Pavlich.
The current issue of 64 Parishes is available for $6.95 plus tax and a $5 shipping and handling fee. Back issues of 64 Parishes and Louisiana Cultural Vistas are available for $7.95 plus tax and a $5 shipping and handling fee. Note that supplies are limited on some issues. To order call 504-523-4352 or email [email protected].
Summer 2021

A Happy Reopening
The Masur Museum reopens with an exhibit from Letitia Huckaby
Summer 2021

Peas, Beans, and Cornbread
Simple staples with deep roots in North Louisiana
Summer 2021

The Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience
Opening this year on Howard Avenue in New Orleans
Summer 2021

The Thing That Ate Abbeville (Kind Of)
Things that go bump in the Louisiana night
Summer 2021

Patsy Vidalia
A drag star shone in New Orleans's 1950s nightlife
Summer 2021

Misery Tea
Tony Kushner’s Caroline, or Change
Summer 2021

Lighting Up Louisiana
Bevolo celebrates seventy-five years
Summer 2021

Plantation Gothic
The first published short story by an African American author and its Louisiana roots
Summer 2021

Realms of the Coin
Spanish coins for luck, comfort, health, and protection.
Summer 2021

Poetry by William J. Jefferson
Selected by Louisiana Poet Laureate John Warner Smith
Summer 2021

The Ties That Bind
Hoodoo and Vodou’s indelible connection
Summer 2021

Crafting to Scale
Women in a Houma family adapt a utilitarian tradition to artistic ends
Summer 2021

Resetting the Stage
When audiences eventually return to the Official State Theatre of Louisiana, they’ll find it better off than it’s been in a long time
Summer 2021

Local Vintage
Louisiana’s sweet citrus wine
Summer 2021

Putting the “West” in the West Bank
Putting the “West” in the West Bank
Summer 2021

Sick As a Horse
The Great Epizootic devastated New Orleans’s equine population
Summer 2021

Defying Injustice in the Deep South
Deep Delta Justice by Matthew Van Meter
Summer 2021

Witness to Change
Summer reading for a shifting world
Summer 2021

The Bakowski Bridge of Lights
Art and technology energizing Shreveport–Bossier
Summer 2021

Celebrating a Master’s Centennial
John Clemmer at 100
Summer 2021

Little Voices, Big Ideas
PRIME TIME hits the airwaves
Summer 2021

Mystery in Motion
African American masking and spirituality in Mardi Gras
Summer 2021

Louisiana and the Defender
How Chicago’s legendary newspaper inspired migrants and amplified local journalism