
Barthélémy Lafon
Barthélémy Lafon enjoyed a long and diverse career in Louisiana as an architect, builder, engineer, surveyor, cartographer, town planner, land speculator, publisher, and pirate.
Barthélémy Lafon enjoyed a long and diverse career in Louisiana as an architect, builder, engineer, surveyor, cartographer, town planner, land speculator, publisher, and pirate.
Spanish colonial capture of British forts on the Mississippi River during the American Revolutionary War provided significant strategic and symbolic victories.
The Battle of Lake Pontchartrain took place during the American Revolutionary War and ended British control of inland lakes and waterways near Spanish New Orleans.
Before railroads and highways, Bayou Teche served as an important transportation route deep into the fertile interior of south-central Louisiana.
Pierre Benjamin Buisson was a talented architect, engineer, surveyor, and publisher, was born in Paris, France, and migrated to New Orleans while in his early twenties where he advanced his career with work on major public buildings.
Bernardo de Gálvez, the fourth governor of Spanish Louisiana, is best known for leading Louisiana militiamen against the British during the American Revolution.
Bernardo de Gálvez, the fourth governor of Spanish Louisiana, is best known for leading Louisiana militia troops against the British during the American Revolution.
At Boat Blessings, a Catholic priest blesses a community’s shrimp boats before the start of shrimp season
Although Bocage's early history is hazy, local tradition has maintained that the house was built in 1801 by Emanuel Marius Pons Bringier as a wedding gift for his fourteen-year-old daughter, Françoise.
Boudin is a Cajun sausage made of meat and rice typically consumed with the filling removed from the casing and often squeezed directly into the mouth.
Bousillage, a mixture of clay and straw or Spanish moss used for insulation, is a distinguishing feature of Louisiana's architectural past.
Stale loaves of bread get a sweet rebirth in this popular baked dessert.
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